Accessorizing Your Manufacturing
Accessorizing Your Manufacturing
For hundreds of years the basic “art” of hand pouring candles remainded relatively unchanged. In simple terms making a candle involved melting wax, coloring, scenting and pouring into molds. Along the way, gradual changes were made in the process and in the industry such as pouring into glass containers, development of new types of molds and even pouring wax into sand to make candles.
In our estimation, more changes have occured in the hand pouring of candles in past number of years than the previous 100 years. Companies and individuals can now “accessorize” their operation to make the process of hand pouring much easier.
Several of the early developements, which may not have been considered revolutionary at the time, have made life easier for the candle maker. Two examples include the pre-wick assembly and “blended waxes.”
The pre-wick assembly has made life much easier for companies of all sizes when making votives and container candles. Having the wick waxed, cut and a tab placed on it accelerates any manufacturing process.
We at Candlewic have even made it simpler by letting you customize your own wick assembly at no additional charge. By using our Custom Wick Builder you can select everything you need in a pre-wick assembly without paying any extra. We are the manfucturer of these parts and can offer you the luxury of the precise wick you desire at the most competitive prices.
If you are making votives and want to simplify manufacturing even further, you may wish to try the votive pins. The votive pin is dropped into the votive cup and will automatically center the pre-wick assembly for each and every candle. This will take the guess work out of centering the wick in the votive cup. In addition the votive pin makes it easier to use other non-zinc wicks in a votive.
For those making container candles, one of the newest developments is glue dots. These uniform dots are great for securing any pre-wick assembly into the bottom of the container. Each dot is uniform in shape and will hold the wick centered in the glass. If you want to ensure your base is centered at the bottom of the glass and is not going anywhere then you should consider this method.
Even such products as the color buttons can be considered a new development and certainly are a great convenience to the candle maker. The pre-measured blocks have simplified making candles in smaller batches. In the past, concentrated colorant products such as powdered dyes and liquid where the norm making it very difficult to measure in smaller batch sizes. The newest of new include the ability to make true black and white candles using the color buttons.
The fastest growing new “concept/product” has to be the blended wax. These new blends have allowed candle companies to make specific types of candles by merely selecting the blend that matches their specific needs. Some of the newest and most popular blends include the J-300, a popular new soft one-pour wax that can also be used to make layered candles. The adhesion to the container and scent throw with this product has received great reviews. A harder blend which has good adhesion to the container and great scent throw would be the CBL-129. For pillars and the votives the CBL-141 continues to be the most versatile of the blends.
In addition to the new developments it is important to complete your accessory line with the all-important thermometer, wick bars and pouring pots. As in any job having the right tools can make your process go smoother and create more attractive looking candles.