Marketing Natural Wax and Paraffin Candles
Marketing Natural Wax and Paraffin Candles Successfully Together
Natural waxes are a growing segment within the candle making industry. Although candle makers have been using natural waxes since the beginning (bees wax, whale fat, etc), it is only until the last few years that the natural waxes have really taken hold as a viable wax choice accepted by the industry. There are more natural wax choices than ever before, and include such types of wax such as soy wax, palm wax, soy/palm blends, and paraffin blends that contain natural waxes in the formula.
The marketers of natural waxes have been able to take a footing in the industry. They promote and advertise many claims that natural waxes are soot free, the cleanest burning, a healthy alternative, etc. and they have been able to successfully market to the LOHAS (Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability) market. The term LOHAS describes a purportedly, rapidly growing $200+ billion U.S. market for goods and services that target consumers who base their buying decisions on their perceived values of environmental and social justice issues. There is an increasing number of candle makers and manufacturers who use natural waxes in their operation and are enjoying increased business by adding natural waxes as a line of candles.
Candlewic offers both types of wax so that our customers may decide for themselves which type of wax is suitable for their customers needs.
Most candle makers are using paraffin wax in their current operation and it is reasonable to assume their success is attributed to some sort of benefit they give to their customers who are currently purchasing candles made from paraffin wax. These candle makers do not want to risk losing their current customer base, but they do want to gain some of the market share of the natural wax segment. This can be achieved by creating a business plan that adds incremental sales without cannibalizing their current paraffin brands. By keeping the following points in mind, the candle maker can offer both paraffin and natural wax candles together in order to build sales volume rather than substituting one for the other.
- Do not disparage. “If you cannot say something nice about somebody, do not say anything at all,” is a very important rule to remember. Regardless of the wax you use, if your candle is made in such a way that you get a complete burn, it will burn cleanly and soot free. For example, you probably are not currently marketing your votives as cleaner burning than your jar candles because potential customers would assume your jars are of poor quality.
- Brand Equity. When adding a line of natural waxes, try to determine why your candles are selling well for you. Ask yourself if it is performance, price, aesthetics, etc. Then ask yourself if your brand name is what reinforces the purchase and conveys the attributes from your list. Depending on your results, you may, or may not, decide to put your current brand name on the natural candle line.
- Choice. Let your customers know you are offering them a choice of waxes so they can choose the type of wax their candle is made from. Not every customer is concerned with ingredients as long as the candle smells and performs well. If your customers are asking for natural waxes, offer it as an option but do not forget about the current paraffin buyers that made your business what it is today.
- Quality. Regardless of the type of wax you choose, always strive for the best quality possible. Having the wrong wick or an inappropriate amount of fragrance can result in smoking or a poorly burning candle regardless of the type of wax used. By spending a little extra effort on the R & D bench, you can create perfect performing candles.